RCHS-Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor Application


Background Checks: To be a RCHS-Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor you will be required to have an IdentoGo Federal Background Check and a Central Registry Check for Child & Neglect (CAN).


Workflow for Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor Application: 

  1. Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor completes the online application.
  2. Rockcastle County High School will contact you to go over what a Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor is required to do and answer any questions you may have. 
  3. Rockcastle County High School will verify with Rockcastle County Schools Human Resources, who will need background checks completed.
  4. The Rockcastle County Schools Human Resources will contact the Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor via email or phone, with directions to schedule background checks.
  5. IdentoGo Background Check, is a $53.25 charge payable by debit or credit card to IdentoGo on the day of your scheduled appointment.  The IdentoGo Background check is received back usually takes 2 to 3 days to Human Resources. You must take your driver's license or permit to your appointment to verify your identity.
  6. Central Registry Check for Child & Neglect (CAN) is a $10.00 charge payable by debit or credit card to Kentucky.gov and is usally returned within 5 days to Human Resources. The CAN Check is processed by Rockcastle County Schools (606-256-2125) and requires a drivers license or official ID to be uploaded in Kentucky.gov to be processed.  
  7. Both the IdentoGO & CAN Check must be completed & cleared before a Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor can begin working with students.
  8. Rockcastle County Schools will contact the Co-op/Work-Based Learning Volunteer Supervisor once both background checks are back.